Image illustrative de St. Elsewhere
Image illustrative de St. Elsewhere

St. Elsewhere

St. Eligius Hospital in South Boston was not exactly the world's best health care center. Despite its flaws, it featured some of the most caring doctors and nurses you could ever meet. Led by Dr. Donald Westphall (and later by Dr. John Gideon), the hospital nicknamed "St. Elsewhere" became a sanctuary for the underdog ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Drame, Médical, Drama NBC, Téva 1982

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4.09 - Sanctuary


Dr. Westphall learns that his new housekeeper is an illegal immigrant who was tortured by the death squads in El Salvador; a nervous Ehrlich tries to get out of his OB-GYN rotation, and later delivers a baby; crackdowns on the homeless unearth a sarcophagus and an old acquaintance of Wayne's; Dr. Caldwell is chastised for letting his joking comments to Papandrao go too far in front of a patient.

Diffusion originale : 04 décembre 1985

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Diffusion française : 04 décembre 1985
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Channing Gibson , Eric Laneuville , John Masius , Tom Fontana
Scénariste.s : Channing Gibson
Guest.s : Chad Allen , Dana Sharp , David Fresco , Edith Diaz , Frank Ramirez , Jim Dratfield , Leah Ayres , Lew Horn , Mark Casella , Savannah Smith Boucher

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